
Westwood Engineering has provided design services for industrial facilities throughout western Canada. We’ve gained vast experience working in many different sectors including wood products, oil & gas, manufacturing, processing and more.

Projects Westwood Engineering has completed over the years include:

Conceptual Design

Dunkley Lumber

Prepared viable options to increase capacity of the existing 69kV/25kV substation. These included replacement and parallel transformer concepts. Conceptual drawings and budgets were provided.

Interfor Adams Lake

Prepared report on the viability of a waste wood fired generation plant at the Adams Lake mill site. This included fiber supply, equipment concepts and budgets.

Tolko Armstrong (Riverside)

Preliminary engineering work included how to connect the used 20MW generator to the existing 25kV site distribution. The options included load displacement or an export only facility. As the steam turbine and generator were used equipment, further study was completed to determine what equipment to re-use or replace. This included 12kV switchgear, excitation and control systems.

Weyerhaeuser Grande Prairie

Developed control system options for the lumber packaging area of the planer mill.  Prepared budgets for the viable options.

Weyerhaeuser Princeton

Provided options for the upgrade of the 12.5kV distribution system to accommodate future mill plans. This included the addition of sawmill machinery totaling 5000hp.  Prepared conceptual drawings and budgets.

Power System Design

Canoe Forest Products

Prepared a one line diagram to detail the new 12.5kV service for the lathe line.  

Completed a comprehensive power system study including short circuit, protective coordination and arc flash analysis.

Prepared partial site plan to show 12.5kV overhead line routing and details for the new 12.5kV/480V transformer compound.

Prepared MCC layout drawings and MCC one line diagrams.

Dunkley Lumber

Provided electrical engineering for the upgrade of a 69kV substation.

Undertook a comprehensive power system study including short circuit, protective coordination and arc flash analysis.

Lakeland Mills

Designed complete power distribution for the new mill including 12.5kV and 480V systems.

Completed a drawing package including one-line diagram, MCC layouts and one lines, equipment specifications, RFQ’s.

Completed a comprehensive power system study including short circuit, protective coordination and arc flash analysis.

LP Golden

Undertook a voltage conversion project with 6MVA 25kV/12.5kV step down, replacement of powerhouse 12.5kV overhead structure with 15kV switchgear.

Provided engineering services including MCC layout, one line revisions and general arrangement drawing for the Band Saw and Billet Handling areas.

Undertook a comprehensive power system study including short circuit, load flow, protective coordination and arc flash analysis.

Nechako Lumber

Provided engineering services for 2MW generator power distribution and control system tie-in.

Completed a comprehensive power system study including short circuit, protective coordination and arc flash analysis.

Tolko Armstrong

Provided engineering for the 20MW generator power distribution and control systems. Work included 12kV/138kV step up substation.

Engineered a 10MVA 138kV/25kV substation to feed sawmill and plywood plants.

Completed a comprehensive power system study including short circuit, protective coordination and arc flash analysis.

Weyerhaeuser Grande Prairie

Updated one line diagrams and equipment location drawings. Updated system model using EasyPower software and run power system studies to include short circuit, protection coordination and arc flash analysis. Model included equipment elevation details.

Control System Design

Canoe Forest Products

Designed operator controls and programming for residual system which included a core handling system, two chippers and three storage silos.

Dunkley Lumber

Designed log handling and debarker controls and PLC programming.

LP Golden

Provided PLC programming services to include conversion of existing PLC 5 billet handling program to Control Logix platform. Added PLC logic for the control of band saw positioning and operator controls.

Connected WFW Band Saw console and controls to the Billet PLC.

Provided engineering services to include control interconnection diagram and control schematic diagrams.


Completed the programming for the Prep Batching area to allow semi-automatic control of the juice mixing and clean in place processes. Improved operations monitoring capabilities via HMI screen additions.

Designed hardwired control of the apple dusting system.

Added ammonia level monitoring, alarms and venting to an existing PLC for the compressor room and two cold storage rooms.  

Tolko Armstrong

Designed plywood sander and glue handling controls and PLC programming.

Weyerhaeuser Grande Prairie

Converted the existing compressor and dryer programs from Modicon to Control Logix, added control of two new compressors through Ingersoll Rand proprietary ir-485 network and revised the programs to provide more accurate control of the processes.

Automated the air system louvers, which included drawing set creation, programming and commissioning.

Documented existing 6” VDA auto lube system and created a set of electrical drawings for a new 10” VDA auto lube system.

Provided programming for the new 10” auto lube system in an existing Modicon PLC.

Common Services Design

Canoe Forest Products

Prepared grounding layouts for the transformer compound and building perimeter grounding.

Prepared electrical standards for the project to establish acceptable equipment and wiring methods.

Prepared general arrangement drawings to show PDC room, MCC rooms and electrical equipment locations.

Inventoried the existing MCC components on site and identify the components that can be used for the lathe project.

Prepared lighting layouts for the new lathe building and residuals area. Included will be general area lighting, convenience receptacles, emergency lighting and panel schedules. For BC Hydro Power Smart purposes both, HID and LED lighting options were provided.

Prepared cable tray layouts for the support of power and control cables.

Prepared control interconnection diagrams and cable termination sheets for the lathe and stacker control systems.  Identified any areas not covered by the control vendor.  

Dunkley Lumber

Completed lighting, grounding and cable tray design for the sawmill facility.

Lakeland Mills

Completed lighting, grounding and cable tray layouts.

Coordinated all major electrical equipment Request for Quotation processes from the main transformers and Power Distribution Center to MCC’s and VFD’s.

Created the overall electrical installation tender package.

Nechako Lumber

Completed lighting, grounding and cable tray design for the generating plant.  Specified 120V and 480V UPS systems to back up critical turbine loads.


Specified fire alarm devices and created fire alarm riser diagram and device location drawings. Specified and located exit and emergency light fixtures. Developed cable sheets to increase cable installation and termination efficiencies.

Tolko Armstrong

Completed lighting, grounding and cable tray design for the generating plant.  Specified 125VDC battery systems to supply critical turbine loads and protective relays.

Upgraded  the plywood plant lighting.

Testing and Commissioning

Dunkley Lumber

Developed a commissioning plan for the new 69kV, 15MVA substation, commissioning RFQ and management of the commissioning process.

LP Golden

Commissioned  the conversion of existing PLC 5 billet handling program to Control Logix platform as well as the band saw positioning control and operator control stations.

Nechako Lumber

Developed a commissioning plan for the 2MW generator, commissioning RFQ and management of the commissioning process.


Commissioned the prep batching process, ammonia detection & alarming system and West Tank farm semi-automatic process.

Tolko Armstrong

Created a commissioning plan for the 20MW generator, commissioning RFQ and management of the commissioning process.